Programs and

Holiday Programs

Adopt-a-Family Program

The Joshua Project works with local businesses and individuals to coordinate the adoption of families for Christmas. We matched 45 families in 2022 and hope for more in 2023. Just sign up and we’ll match you with a family and provide information on appropriate gifts and other support.

Adopt a Family

Thanksgiving Baskets

Baskets of traditional Thanksgiving food are delivered to families throughout the Valley on the Sunday before the Holiday. In 2022, working with Catholic Charities, we delivered over 450 baskets to families in need, an increase of 35 baskets from 2021.

The Basket includes items such as,

  • 1 Frozen Turkey
  • Boxed Stuffing
  • Various Vegetables
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • A Frozen Dessert

We are still seeking volunteers to help deliver meals.

Request Thanksgiving Basket

Year-Round Programs

Families in Need Program

The Joshua Project sets aside funds from general donations to provide temporary financial assistance to help families get back on track when they have fallen on hard times. Over the years, we have helped dozens of Schoharie County families with short-term assistance. If you need assistance, we encourage you to contact us.

Make a DonationRequest Assistance

Schoharie County Meals Program

The Joshua Project works with the Schoharie County Office for the Aging to deliver daily meals to people, who live in the Village of Middleburgh, who are in need. Currently we deliver meals to 17 people each weekday. 52 weeks a year.

Volunteer to Deliver

Summer Programs

Summer Backpack Program

Throughout the summer, the Joshua Project Volunteers deliver food to needy children in outlying areas of Schoharie County and a portion of southern Albany County. This program is funded by The United Way. In 2023, the program delivered 165 backpacks of food each week, feeding more than 210 children and delivering more than sixteen tons of food (over 21,000 meals).

This program is available beginning in June of each year. Contact us for more information.

Summer Lunch Program

The Joshua Project volunteers are coordinated in the Middleburgh Central School, Cobleskill United Methodist Church, Richmondville United Methodist Church, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Central Bridge to provide lunches to children, families with children and elderly during the summer. The lunches are free and open to the public. In 2023, this program served over 10,000 lunches.

This program is available beginning in June of each year. Contact us for more information.